Monday, October 11, 2010

a birthday weekend

I'm happy to report that I had a most wonderful birthday weekend. I was still sick as could be, but the OTC meds I was taking helped to keep my convalescing to a minimum so I could enjoy a wonderful night in NYC with dinner + a show...
Wild flowers from my Mister...for "his wild thing"...

An afternoon kiddie playdate with friends, complete with wine + German Chocolate Cake. There really is no better way to have Happy Birthday sung to you than by a bunch of kiddos jazzed to eat the cake! And while we are speaking of food, there is no better birthday dinner when you have a cold than some spicey Thai takeout... Oh, and I would be remiss not to mention the wonderful gifts I received! We, like a blogging friend of mine, also live on a Target budget, and these boots {recall my boot dilemma?} that I covetted from Anthro are probably the biggest clothing splurge I've indulged since I became a mama! And while these beautiful earrings from my Dad were such a lovely + beautiful surprise, the homemade cards from my kiddos + the love note that came in the mail from my Mister really stole my heart.

My Mister + I talked on the way home from NYC, about how when we were kids, 30 seemed so old. I remember thinking that turning 20 was a big deal...but then, I had no idea just how much my life would change in the next 10 years. When I reflect on what I have done + accomplished; marrying my best friend, havign 3 kiddos, buying a home, earning my is pretty freaking mind blowing. I can only wonder that the next decade will bring...
So yes, Epicurean Palette, Phantom of the Opera, Jewels, Flowers, Cake + Boots; all from and shared with the people I love the most. I can't explain just how wonderful it felt to know how much effort everyone put into making my birthday so special. It was just wonderful.

And thank you for all of the thoughtful Birthday wishes!


  1. Happy belated Birthday! I saw Phantom of the Opera for my 16th birthday and loved it. Doesn't it feel great when people go all out for your birthday? It isn't even about the gifts, just knowing that they care.

  2. @Linen and Tulle
    Isn't Phantom great?! It was my second time seeing it, but it was my Mister's first Broadway show and he was totally blown away...he is still walking around humming the music!

    And you are spot on about how wonderful it feels when people put in so much effort for you. So special.
    Thanks for the Happy Birthday!!

  3. I told my hubby that I wanted to see Promises, Promises on Broadway for Christmas, but maybe now I should see Phantom! I've never seen it but I heard it's amazing.

    Happiest Birthday to you!!!!

  4. Awesome! I haven't seen Phantom of the Opera since I was 12. I would love to see that again sometime. I want to see more pictures of the boots! I love the boots! I went to Anthroplogie today to look at them in person and they didn't have them :( Happy belated!


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