The week after Christmas,
{before we had taken down the tree + mixed in the new toys with the older ones}, I watched Baby Liamb crawl amongst his toys; enjoying all of them thoroughly. I was reminded of
the Fif's first Christmas,
oh, 3 years ago now. I remembered
her stitting infront of the tree, exploring her gifts; and me saying to my Mister,
"Oh my gosh, she knows how to play!" Even though
the Monks was 4...well,
he was 4! I suppose we didn't have that many baby toys around...and that we didn't think we needed them just yet as the Fif was just 6 months old. I felt so foolish, even though I had raised one baby, I felt like I could have been doing it for the first time all over again!

So while the age difference is much less between my 2nd + 3rd children
{and there are many beautiful, wooden baby toys around} Santa was very good to the smallest of this clan, bringing him a few very nice toys. And even though in the past, I was pretty strict about wanting mostly
{ahem, only...} wooden toys, I didn't have any qualms about the mix of wooden + plastic toys given that were made by
Just B. 
The colors are just beautiful, the toys are age + developmentally appropriate, the quality is good and the price is right.
{I think that if you are not Santa, you can find this brand readily at Target.} I also really like their philosophy on their website, their mindfulness about the environment when it comes to packaging, and their policy on donating $ from each purchase to Free the Children. All good things. Just thought I'd share, since I can't possibly be the only mama who likes nice toys for her littles...
that also do not look horrid in her family room!xo.
I'm like this brand, too! Yay to Target for getting some more "friendly" toys for people who don't have access to green kids shops.