But that is why it is so important for me to have this Monked & Fifed space. Other bloggers have said that for them, "blogging is cheaper than therapy"...and I get that. Having a space where you can be honest, creative...and in this post, I am inspired + motivated {by these beautiful pictures + my wonderful family}, well, it is a pretty powerful thing. I'm reminded that the reason I keep treading water; juggling a family, a job, friendships, financial + social stressors is for all of the good moments like these. Because we all can feel overwhelmed sometimes + it is during those times it is important to rock out to some good tunes and think about all of the things in your life you are so grateful for that it hurts.
it is cool and crisp...
there are smiles all around...
and lots of snuggles...and CHEERS when the Monks scores a goal!
And there are moments, like a little girls first movie in the theatre... The Legend of the Guardians was just amazing...and I was so proud of my baby girl for sitting so well...
And pumpkin picking...that is pretty darn wonderful; something I look foward to almost as much as Christmas...
A little man's first pumpkin picking trip...and the first year my "bigger" little man has grown enough to lift his own pumpkin...
and more smiles.
It only takes a glance to realize what keeps us mamas + papas truckin'. Suddenly even the roughest of waves seem so unbelievably worth it. Thanks for sharing my weekend...I hope yours was a wonderful one too!
I went a little comment crazy on your blog tonight, but just one more...! I really appreciated this post. I've been feeling fragmented, overly busy and discouraged, and it's helpful to hear how you're combating those similar feelings by focusing on and fitting in the stuff that makes it worthwhile! Thanks for sharing this as well!