Thursday, February 24, 2011

A First Grade Play

This morning, my Mister, the Fif + I attended the Monks' first grade school play! The show began at what's a mama to do about getting her act together for her big boy's special performance?! Shower, updo, lipstick...and a great coat, I say!

Oh, life is too short not to have a bit of fun...especially when it comes to clothes, don't you agree?
Hair flower: Forever 21

Coat: The Mod

Jeans + Shades: Marshall's

But getting back to more important things: the show was called Arrf! {each child was a different pup}. I can't tell you how impressed I was with how well that kiddos said their lines + sang all of the songs! And infront of the entire school to boot! The only thing that came close to being as impressive was the number of parents; mamas + papas alike, who rearranged their work schedules to support thier kids! The auditorium was was absolutely moving.

From time to time, I still have to pinch myself when I think, "I have a 7 year old...and I am going to his FIRST GRADE school play!...When the h*ll did that happen?" It seems that over night he has become a REAL BOY; full of love, intelligence, kindness, talent...I could go on + on. Instead I'll just say, Thank you my little Monks; for the gift of being your mama, the joy + love you bring to all of our lives...and ofcourse a truly wonderful morning at your play today! We are so proud of all of the work that you + your classmates put in to make this a fantabulous production!



  1. That coat is flippin' fantastic.

    Those sudden "holy crap I have a kid" moments never cease to amaze me. In a good kinda way.

  2. so sweet. I can't believe how big he is. he really is such a little man.


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