Yes, that is worth reapeating,
"Oh my, what a busy weekend!" We ended up having three, yes
THREE birthday parties to attend this weekend, bookended by afternoon play company friday and playing hostess to a sunday night bbq. Even though I'm a pretty on-the-go kind of gal
{and like to kid that I have 28hours in my day while everyone else has just 24}, this was too much, even for me. So although this post was intended for monday...better late than never!
The truth is that last week was also pretty packed and when friday rolled around, I realized that I had not purchased birthday gifts for the parties we were to attend! I kind of have a little rule when it comes to gift giving: I only like to give gifts that I would be happy to receive. You can imagine how this might have it's advantages and disadvantages! However, in this situation, I think my idea was pretty darn I multiplied it by 3.

Gardening bags. Eliza was turning 2, and Delia and Phinneaus were turning 3; but lucky for me, playing in the dirt is something that folks of all ages can enjoy! So I spent a bit of time in the $1-$5 section of the craft store filling up little reusable bags with all kinds of gardening paraphernalia including pots, spray bottles, gardening aprons, tools, seeds and some bubbles for good measure. I left the store feeling a bit the criminal for the wonderful bags of treats I had, secretly knowing that for all this goodness, I spent a little less than I had intended!
So for all of our running around, atleast when it came to the gifts I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. I'm happy to have some days comming up where I can spend time at home, working on a couple of projects and most importantly, enjoying LOTS of baby snuggling time!
Hoping your weekend was a lovely one!
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